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I stopped overcomplicating my compositions for this piece- I kept it simple and direct. In my personal life, I recently broke apart a very harmful connection- it was controlling and I found myself slipping into a familiar habit of reactive abuse. Disturb is all about the reaction to having boundaries violated- and there is no better visual representation of boundaries than a cat and hornet. Treat these creatures with respect and distance and you go away unharmed. Aside from cats being one of my favorite creatures their superstition and disdain come from the fact they do not inherently like people.

The red roses are a direct reference to my other piece "Grand Gestures" which incidentally was also constructed during this person's presence of my life. How quickly can unappreciated turn to resentment? The volatile nature of the perpetrator and the autonomous other trying to make sense of something. The dying flower represents the end of the bond but the continuing growth. Reactivity should always be reflected on. No matter what is done to you - never let someone take you out of character.