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$30.00 / Sold out

5.5 in x 8.5. Ink, Watercolor, Photo on paper. Frame included.

"Pernicious" is a reflective piece about a recurring emotion I have had over the past month. I find that sometimes my thinking takes on a life of its own. It is like layers of thoughts, all amounting to one image. Sometimes it is benevolent: I ponder about the future and things I can do for the day; it is meticulous, like how a spider constructs its web. Primal, and for survival.

Then, come to the things I know I have to unlearn. I became convinced that no one truly cared about my well-being. I become suspended in this chain of thought; loneliness consumes me while thoughts of doom engulf my psyche. It is the opposite of instinct. It is destructive, and it is unclear where my thoughts are going. I long for solace in quieter thoughts.

A pernicious train of thought is the downfall of all growth.